We live in a society of instant gratification. We want it now. We want it, and we don’t want to necessarily work hard for it either. Sound familiar? In an age where information is at our finger tips and things can be bought, not necessarily earned, it’s natural for some to have unrealistic expectations when […]
Reverse The Ageing Process
As we journey through life our bone and muscle density deteriorates. That journey leads to Osteoarthritis. Which is one of the most common causes of disability in Australia. Lifting Heavy Things can delay the ageing process. Brief, intense exercise sessions involving functional, full-body movements support muscle development and delay ageing. Depending on your goals and […]
Boost Your Immune System This Winter
Ok, let’s face it. It’s that time of the year again and people are coming down sick. Implement these 9 immune boosters immediately and reduce your frequency of a sick day. 1. Eat a balanced diet with whole foods (avoid processed/junk food) 2. Get plenty of vitamin C (berries, citrus fruits, red capsicums) 3. Use […]
Beer-ace Yourself…
A large portion of people enjoy a frothy every now and then. We’re going to keep this post short n’ sweet. But did you know? One schooner is beer averages roughly 150-200 calories. That’s the equivalent to a brisk walk and/or light jog for 20 minutes on the treadmill. Do you stop at one beer […]
Max’s Live Well Work Experience!
Simon: This week at Live Well we had a visit from local Year 10 student, Max, who completed 30 hours of required work experience with us. We loved having him with us during the week and we asked him along the way to produce a blog of his experiences. Here’s Max’s very first Live Well […]
Do You Have A Set Plan For Results?
One of the most useful things I’ve learnt recently is the power of writing things down in a goal setting diary. I’ve always struggled with sticking to something long-term, besides training and nutrition. I’ll get started on one thing, then get distracted by the next thing, and before you know it I’ve lost plenty of […]
A Soda Drink With ZERO Sugar! It Sounds Like Magic…
A soda drink with ZERO SUGAR! It sounds like magic… What if there was a product or service that once you consumed it you were hooked for life? The billion dollar soda industry has billions of people hooked on their products. However, the general public has become aware of dangers these products have on our […]
I’ll Start Tomorrow…
But what if there is no tomorrow… Would you agree with me the average person over the age of 40 has lost track of their health and fitness, due to work, family and other various commitments? Some middle aged people may realise this and attempt to do something but then fail. Where others just accept […]
The 3 diet hacks that seem to work for EVERYONE…
I’d like to start the sentence with ‘I have a secret’, but I would be lying to you. There is no magic pill, secret recipe, or even a leprechaun that slaps food out of your hand you know you shouldn’t be eating. We have a basic system in place that incorporates flexibility, sustainability and accountability. […]
“I’m Just Too Busy To Exercise”
Heard that before? It’s a common reason as to why people struggle with their weight loss goals. A professional man or woman has a hectic schedule. Not to mention often a family to look after and feed. But I’m just too busy to exercise more… or at all. At Live Well Kogarah, when we have […]
It’s Not A Diet, It’s A Lifestyle Change
We talk a lot about nutrition and exercise, but today I’d like to discuss the mindset towards nutrition in particular. How a specific mindset can actually hinder your progress and ultimately your weight loss results. The word “diet” is banned during any of my sessions. Those that have trained with me understand how much it […]
I’m Shocked About People’s Breakfasts… Or Lack There Of
So during each session at Live Well, our trainers ask each client to describe their food eaten so far for the day (or for morning clients, food for the day ahead). It’s second nature to us. Exercise, nutrition, lifestyle. We’ll always talk about these topics in sessions with you. What’s been a repeated pattern lately […]