Our Blog


  • Kogarah’s Best Personal Training Studio: Discover a New You at Live Well

    Kogarah’s Best Personal Training Studio: Discover a New You at Live Well

    Our personal trainers in Kogarah, believe in creating a welcoming and non-intimidating environment that empowers our members to achieve their personal fitness goals. Our boutique personal training studio stands out in the fitness community by offering personalised attention, expert guidance, and a supportive atmosphere that caters to individuals of all fitness levels. A Boutique Environment…

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  • How Personal Training Makes Aging Feel Easy

    How Personal Training Makes Aging Feel Easy

    Aging is a natural process, but it doesn’t have to mean a decline in your quality of life. At Live Well in our personal training studio’s in Kogarah and Bondi Junction, we believe that staying active and healthy is the key to making aging feel easy. One of the best ways to achieve this is…

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  • How Live Well Fitness Uses Personal Training to Make Aging Feel Easy

    How Live Well Fitness Uses Personal Training to Make Aging Feel Easy

    Aging is a natural part of life, but at Live Well Fitness, we believe that getting older doesn’t mean you have to slow down. Our personal training programs are designed to help you embrace the aging process with vitality, strength, and confidence. Here’s how we use personal training to make aging feel easy and enjoyable.…

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  • 5 Effective Ways to Enhance Your Fitness After 50

    5 Effective Ways to Enhance Your Fitness After 50

    Are you over 50 and looking to boost your fitness levels? It’s never too late to embark on a journey to improve your health and vitality. In fact, prioritising fitness can be especially beneficial as you age, helping to maintain strength, flexibility, and overall well-being. Here are five effective ways to enhance your fitness after…

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  • 6 Tips to Prevent Aging: Your Guide to Maintaining Youthful Vitality

    6 Tips to Prevent Aging: Your Guide to Maintaining Youthful Vitality

    Aging is an inevitable part of life, but that doesn’t mean we can’t take steps to slow down the process and, in some cases, reverse it. As we age, our bodies undergo various changes, both internally and externally (Prevent Aging).  However, with the right approach, we can age gracefully and preserve our health and well-being.…

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  • Getting Up Off the Ground: Key to Aging Gracefully

    Getting Up Off the Ground: Key to Aging Gracefully

    In many cultures worldwide, daily life revolves around activities performed on the ground. From eating meals to socialising and even sleeping, the ground serves as a central space for these communities. Interestingly, individuals from such cultures often exhibit remarkable agility and ease when it comes to getting down and up off the floor. This simple…

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  • How to slow down muscle and bone density by doing strength training

    How to slow down muscle and bone density by doing strength training

    In the pursuit of optimal health and fitness, Live Well studio’s in Kogarah and Bondi Junction shine a light on the transformative benefits of strength training. Our personalised approach to fitness  plays a pivotal role in slowing down muscle and bone density loss—a cornerstone of longevity and well-being. Why Focus on Muscle Mass and Bone…

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  • The Impact of Your Environment on Your Health: Insights from a Personal Trainer

    The Impact of Your Environment on Your Health: Insights from a Personal Trainer

    Healthy Environment: Trainer’s Insights In the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, we often focus on exercise routines, nutrition plans, and sleep schedules. However, there’s one crucial factor that we sometimes overlook: our environment. From the support network at home to the contents of our pantry and fridge and even the dynamics of our community, our…

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  • Maximising Your Fitness Journey with NDIS Funding

    Maximising Your Fitness Journey with NDIS Funding

    Are you striving to achieve your fitness goals but worried about the financial aspect? Are you or a loved one eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)? If so, you’ll be thrilled to learn that LiveWell Fitness is here to support you on your wellness journey through NDIS funding! This comprehensive guide will explore…

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  • Exercise Alone Can’t Undo the Harm of Sugar: Understanding the Science

    Exercise Alone Can’t Undo the Harm of Sugar: Understanding the Science

    In the quest for a healthy lifestyle, we often focus on two main pillars: diet and exercise. We diligently hit the gym, go for runs, and engage in various physical activities to keep our bodies in shape. Similarly, we strive to make healthier choices in our diet, opting for fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins over…

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  • Pump Away Anxiety and Depression: The Power of Resistance Training

    Pump Away Anxiety and Depression: The Power of Resistance Training

    In the battle against anxiety and depression, exercise stands as a stalwart ally, offering relief and resilience without the side effects of medication. While aerobic exercises like running and swimming have long been championed for their mental health benefits, emerging research sheds light on another potent weapon in this fight: resistance training. A groundbreaking collaborative…

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  • Unlocking Longevity: The Power of Exercise According to ‘Outlived’ by Dr. Peter Attia

    Unlocking Longevity: The Power of Exercise According to ‘Outlived’ by Dr. Peter Attia

    As a health coach and keen reader, I often come across little golden nuggets of wisdom that resonate deeply with me. A previous mentor once told me “Even if you read two pages a day, what you read may change your life”. One such treasure I discovered last year was Dr. Peter Attia’s book, ‘Outlived.’…

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  • Unveiling the Benefits of Resistance Training: A Personal Trainer’s Perspective

    Unveiling the Benefits of Resistance Training: A Personal Trainer’s Perspective

    In an era where health and fitness have taken centre stage, the importance of resistance training cannot be overstated. It’s not just about sculpting the perfect physique; it’s about improving overall health, enhancing functional abilities, and boosting confidence. As personal trainers, we witness firsthand the transformative power of resistance training. In this blog, I’ll cover…

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  • Transform Your Life: Building Healthy Habits in 2024 with Personal Training

    Transform Your Life: Building Healthy Habits in 2024 with Personal Training

    Welcome to a new year, a new opportunity to prioritise your health and well-being. At Live Well Fitness in Kogarah and Bondi Junction, we believe that building healthy habits is the key to unlocking your full potential. This year, let’s embark on a journey together to transform your life and create habits that last a…

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  • Unlock Your Primal Potential This Year on a 21-day wellness challenge!!

    Unlock Your Primal Potential This Year on a 21-day wellness challenge!!

    Welcome, everyone! A new chapter has begun, and it’s the perfect time to embark on a 21-day wellness challenge at our personal training studios in Bondi Junction and Kogarah. As the world dives into resolutions and intentions for 2024, let’s collectively embrace the value of living with purpose, setting actionable goals, and consistently evolving into…

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  • Transform Your Health in 2024: The Power of Personal Training in Bondi Junction

    Transform Your Health in 2024: The Power of Personal Training in Bondi Junction

    Many of us pursue a  healthier lifestyle, many individuals embark on fitness journeys with a variety of goals in mind— improve longevity, weight loss, muscle gain, improved mobility, or simply enhanced overall well-being. While self-motivation is crucial, engaging with a personal trainer can take your health and fitness endeavors to new heights in 2024. Our…

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  • “Finding Your Fitness Match: How to Choose the Perfect Personal Trainer to Achieve Your Goals”

    “Finding Your Fitness Match: How to Choose the Perfect Personal Trainer to Achieve Your Goals”

    In the pursuit of fitness and wellness, the guidance of a skilled personal trainer can be the key to unlocking your full potential. The journey to a healthier, fitter you often begins with finding the right person to guide and support you. At LiveWell Fitness, we understand the significance of this partnership. Selecting the perfect…

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  • Personal training near me – For busy professionals

    Personal training near me – For busy professionals

    In today’s fast-paced world, it’s all too easy for our well-being to take a backseat amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. We often find ourselves caught up in the demands of work, family, and other responsibilities, leaving us with little time to focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, it doesn’t have to…

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