
The Fitness Industry Paradox

For some reason the gym industry is not hitting it’s target market. With gyms in practically every Australian suburb, and open 24 hours to cater to anybody’s schedule, surely the general population should be benefiting from the opportunity to become fit and healthy under the guidance of experts. Yet, according to research, the rate of […]

Top 5 Tips To Survive The Holiday Festivities

On average Australian’s gain 1.5-2kg over the Christmas period. That may not sound much but research has also identified that weight gained over the holiday period is rarely lost! We have developed 5 user friendly tips to help you fight the festive season inevitables. 1 → Continue to exercise and schedule your training – even […]

The Life-Changing Words That Help You Lose Weight!

With all the available information about healthy eating, it may seem strange that obesity is an increasingly prevalent problem. Yet most of the information we absorb through the media has a commercial sub-text – corporations pushing to sell products will tell us what we want to hear. Some companies specialize in weight-loss meals, so their […]

I thought I would never get in this situation…

Over the past 9 years as a business owner in the fitness industry I’ve encountered many great clients that were and still are successful business owners or professionals that would mention in their initial consult that they have let their health and fitness go due to the lack of time and stress from work and […]

The Art Of Healthy Eating In Today’s Modern World

852 million people sadly are chronically hungry, unsure from where their next meal will come. Part of returning to basics and living healthier lives includes working together to improve food security for all families in need. While it is important to eat the right amount of food, it is equally important to eat the right […]

Time Out…

A few months ago a few friends and I put together a basketball team. During the season in a game when we feel the opposition is starting to get the upper hand and build momentum we call a time out. This allows us to re-group and assess how we can get back in the game […]


I remember when I was a kid I use to love watching a movie on the weekends about a hero saving the world from destruction. Typical Hollywood super hero stuff. This lead me to thinking about how cool it would be to save the world – to have such a significant purpose to life. That, […]

Discovering Your True Motivation: 25 Effective Strategies for Achieving Success

Finding your true motivation is essential for overcoming procrastination and achieving your goals. In this article, we will explore 25 powerful strategies that can help you stay motivated and increase your productivity. From making deals with yourself to embracing positivity, these techniques will propel you towards success. Make a Personal Commitment: Overcome procrastination by making […]

Calcium Facts That Will Surprise You

Calcium plays a vital role in maintaining optimal health. It is an essential mineral utilized by nearly every cell in our body. From our nervous system and muscles to our heart and bones, calcium serves numerous functions. Notably, our bones not only provide structural support but also act as a storage site for calcium. However, […]

Clean and Impressed

I had to use it, Jon. The tag line we came up with after a beautiful set of barbell clean and presses. His grin was ear to ear as he had progressed to an extremely technical program he’d never done before in the past. Which leads me to think… there’s a lot of people doing […]