I think a lot of people have trouble asking for help. I know I do. I try and do everything myself until I get into state of overload.
I’ve always been good at running. Even when I was in primary school my little skinny legs would win a hand full of ribbons at the annual athletics carnival.
Then later on in my life I got into long distance running and marathons. I ran a couple of Marathons, but was never able to crack the sub 3 hour time. An achievement that puts you in an elite group of marathon runners.
After the 2010 Melbourne Marathon I ran a 3hr 10mins. It was a personal best time, however the challenge of cracking the sub 3 hour time seemed further then ever…
But looking back this was the greatest learning experience for me, as it was a challenge I couldn’t handle on my own.
I was humbled. I learned how to let go of my pride (which was holding back my personal growth and development), and ask for help from a friend who I respect, trust, a lot better runner and coach then me. And then be open and willing to receive it.
It allowed me a to grow as a runner, a coach and a man.
He coached me once per week and mentored me through my training.
The follow year in 2011 I ran the Perth Marathon in 2hrs 59mins!
I share this because I hope it inspires you to do the same. I thought I knew what needed to be done, but getting help from a professional in his field/event took me to the next level and helped me achieve my goals.
If you feel like I did and seem like your health & fitness goals are unachievable please reach out and email me to see if we can help you.
Matthew Mazzaferro
Live Well Health & Fitness Studio, Kogarah
Live Well Health & Fitness Studio