3 Simple Tips To Stay Fit While You Travel

While on holidays travelling it’s always hard to squeeze in a workout here or there to maintain your fitness levels. I recently returned from a 3 weeks holiday over in Lebanon and Italy. In Lebanon I had the pleasure of meeting all my wife’s family and experiencing the beautiful mountains, food and culture. We then headed to Italy to spend time with my family, and to also celebrate my younger brothers wedding.
So, the 3 weeks were jammed packed with family functions, which meant a whole lot of food!

With all the family commitments and sightseeing adventures I knew it would be hard to fit in my regular workouts.

Below are 3 simple tips that I follow;

1. Quick 8-12 minute workouts using the Tabata style of training, I would do 4 minutes of each of the movements listed below. Every 4 minutes consisted of 8 sets of 20 seconds working, and 10 seconds rest of each movement. Then repeat for the next movement.
Push ups

The above workout can be done anywhere. I was doing it in the hotel room, and trust me the room I stayed in Italy was tiny! All you need is 1x2m.
Also, if I had some extra time, I added another 4mins Tabata of stretching. So I would hold each stretch for 20sec then in the 10sec rest move into the next stretch. This worked well for me as I struggle to find the discipline to stretch, and it kept me on point.

2. Take the stairs. The apartment and hotel we stayed at in both Lebanon and Italy were on the 5th floor. So we decided to take the stairs each time.

3. Go for a jog or bike ride. I believe the best way to see a city is by going for a jog or ride. That way you’re on the ground experiencing the vibe and culture of the city and keeping your fitness in check at the same time!

Happy travelling!

– Matt Mazzaferro
Live Well Health & Fitness Studio
