
6 Reasons Why You’ve Suddenly Gained Weight

6 Reasons Why You’ve Suddenly Gained Weight  When you have no idea why you are adding on pounds, here’s what might be going on. Sometimes you don’t have to wonder why you’ve picked up those extra pounds. An example could be when you had that busy week at work when you hardly had time to […]

5 Tips to Reduce Training Injuries

  5 Tips to Reduce Training Injuries Work with a coach Our coaches at Livewell Personal Training Kogarah can get you started safely and help you structure a fitness plan based on a clear set of goals, such as muscle building, weight loss, and aerobic fitness. Our qualified trainers can help you avoid many bad […]

A lot of people set unrealistic goals

A lot of people set unrealistic goals. They ask what their goals should be and how long should it take. I don’t care about any of that. It’s gonna take what it takes. While it sounds vague in light of the promises of other fitness fads, it’s actually the best advice an honest coach will give you. […]

5 Fat Loss Tips from James Clare

5 Fat Loss Tips from James Clare Here are 5 tips from Fat Loss Nutritionist James Clare. When it comes to fat loss, there are so many people who are confused by everything they read. We always advise people to find someone who they trust, someone who gets results, and then follow the way that […]

80/20 Rule

80/20 Rule While it’s true that some people need to follow a highly restrictive meal plan to manage a chronic condition, it’s also true that for many people, excessively restrictive meal plans can be counterproductive.  This is why I’ve always advocated for the “80/20 rule” when it comes to meal plans. 80% of the time, […]

Understanding Stress

Feeling closed in?  Feeling locked up? ​Feeling overwhelmed? ​Being pessimistic? ​Sleeping poorly? Frequently sick? Forgetful or disorganised? Avoiding responsibilities?  ​ Then you may be suffering from mental fatigue or even chronic stress. Living in stress is living in survival mode. They are one and the same. Stress is when our body moves out of the […]

How has Live Well helped our members during lockdown?

“I needed this.”   “Just glad to keep training.”    “Great news that we can still train.”   All things I have heard during the last 8 or so weeks during Sydney’s COVID enforced lockdown.    The last 18 months have been unlike any we have encountered before; and while a lot of things have […]

Life In Lockdown

In March 2020 Australia went into lockdown, businesses were shut down, ours included and we had to adapt, so we took our members online or outdoors. It seems so long ago now, and not only did we survive it, but we thrived and came out stronger. Fast forward to July 2021 and we are back […]

The 30 Day Mental Strength Challenge

With all the craziness going on in the world, it can be a challenge to push aside all the negativity and fear. Today, you’ve chosen to FIGHT BACK. Your objective is to become assertive, confident and mentally strong. LET IT BE KNOWN, that you’re more resilient than ever before. No more Mr. Nice Guy. Mentally […]

Wholegrain’s vs Refined grains – some useful information.

There are a variety of different processes which are used to transform grains into foods. The process determines the texture, cook time, digestion time, and whether the grain remains whole or not. Brown rice is the best rice! Or is it? There seems to be a lot of confusion within the fitness industry as to […]

Factors affecting your thermoregulation abilities

I thought I would write a post about this as understanding the biophysical factors in which affect heat exchange during exercise is important. Do you enjoy a nice bike ride during the day, or even a nice jog during the afternoon when it is a bit cooler? It is important to always keep cool during […]

Fat loss and what YOU need to do!

Fat loss and what YOU need to do! Losing fat is not easy. If it were easy everyone would be fit and healthy. We are all busy individuals in this crazy world. Everyone needs to work, so how come some people do it better than others? The issue that comes up is human habit and […]