Top 10 Benefits Of Working With A Live Well Trainer

sports injury sydney

Happy New Year ladies and gentlemen! We hope you enjoyed your Xmas period and for many, holidays off work.

At Live Well Kogarah, we understand how hard it is to get back into your daily routine, let alone a fitness routine, after a few weeks of not-so-good food and alcohol and other bad decisions. Having that support group around you is vital when it comes to leading a healthy active lifestyle. But not only that, a positive and encouraging support group.

Below is our top 10 benefits of working with a Live Well trainer. You don’t have to do it alone, and you shouldn’t have to. There’s always help at hand… but are you going to reach out and accept there’s a problem?

10. No more guess-work! All Live Well trainers provide complimentary exercise programming to all of our clients, whether they do personal training or exercise in the studio by themselves. Our science-based approaches ensure you get the best results in the shortest amount of time possible.

9. Courtesy calls! Our Live Well trainers regularly keep in contact with their clients throughout the week, even if that client isn’t even in the studio. We believe a close relationship and accountability is vital for consistency. Consistency = a huge part of results.

8. Complimentary sessions for your friends and family! At reception, we offer “One Free Session” cards for all clients. We love to meet new people in our studio and help them achieve their health and fitness goals as well. This card enables them to attend either a personal training session (with a current PT client), a Mov3Fit small group class, or even a 60-minute fitness strategy session!

7. Push past your comfort levels! We’ve all been there. Get in a slump from time to time. Go through the motions during a workout. A Live Well trainer will motivate and push you to set new goals, break new records, and be the fittest version of you possible.

6. Exercise strategically around a pre-existing injury! Successfully achieve your goals, without furthering the severity of an injury. You’ll feel confident knowing that your trainer has your health and safety in mind first and foremost.

5. Fun and motivation! Our Live Well trainers are professional comedians… just kidding 🙂 We love a good bit of banter and always ensure the studio is alive and full of energy and people are having a great time. We believe if you enjoy the environment you’re in, you’ll ultimately work harder and with more passion.

4. Increased self confidence, self esteem and improved body image! Exercise has proven to be linked to improve your mental health. Depression, anxiety, stress… go and exercise!

3. Each Live Well trainer specialises in different areas! Do you have a specific training goal, that’s a bit more detailed than just “weight loss/gain”? Do you play sport competitively? Are you preparing for a race or a contest? Are you looking for someone to help with mobility and improve performance? Do you struggle squeezing exercise into your busy lifestyle and need help with quick effective workouts?

2. Learning off those with more experience and knowledge! With a combined experience level of over 20 years, we’re always happy to share our research-based information with our clients. We believe in “what works” as opposed to “what looks cool”.

1. Ensured results! Scientific training, with a hands-on approach and high accountability, as well the supportive community of Live Well Kogarah, gives you the best possible chance to succeed with your health and fitness goals.

Simon Jeremy
Studio Manager
Live Well Health & Fitness Studio Kogarah
