Sculpt and tone your physique by adding weights to your training.
Not only is resistance training good for your bone health but also 80% of your metabolic rate is determined by how much lean muscle you have. This means the more muscle you have, the more energy your body will burn whether you are working out or at rest. Two to three 30-minute weight sessions per week can be beneficial for the best body composition.
Eat the right food specifically for you.
At LiveWell Personal Training Kogarah we love healthy fresh food and encourage all our clients to have a nutritious balanced diet that helps them achieve their best body. Research it yourself or find a professional who can advise you on the right foods to eat. For example, nuts are awesome bite-size nutritional powerhouses that are packed with heart-healthy fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals.
Change it up.
If you have been doing the same exercises for months and you have noticed your results have plateaued, this means you need to change up something about your exercise or the food. The body takes around 4 weeks to make physiological adaptation to any exercise, so at week five you have the perfect excuse to add variety. The change can be made in the intensity of the workout or in the type of workout or through progression of exercises.
Set a deadline
Set a date for yourself to see strong results. You have deadlines at work, at school, at home because deadlines get things accomplished! Getting the best body you desire is no different than all the other things you do every day. Organise a deadline to get moving and stay on track. Once you do set a deadline you start to take action and the results happen.
At Live Well Personal Training Kogarah, we have specialised in providing guidance in training, nutrition and overall health to members of the community since 2006. Please do not hesitate to contact us on 9587 4100 to arrange an initial consultation and find out how you can start your health and fitness journey with us.