On average Australian’s gain 1.5-2kg over the Christmas period. That may not sound much but research has also identified that weight gained over the holiday period is rarely lost!
We have developed 5 user friendly tips to help you fight the festive season inevitables.
1 → Continue to exercise and schedule your training – even if it’s a 10min at-home workout. Something is better than nothing. Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. A lot of gyms will be closed over the holiday period, so what’s important is how you plan to counteract that. Set aside some time in your personal diary or calendar so you stick to it. For some, the holiday period can last a month, and if you don’t train for 4 weeks straight, you can impede on your progress and hinder your results. One week off here and there is fine, but four weeks is a long time for most of us. Find ways to incorporate your social and family life into exercises games and active solutions. For further tips on how to create a workout or even a workout program, contact us on 9587 4100 and our friendly trainers will help you get started.
2 → Alcohol consumption – we’d love for you to make healthier and smarter choices over this Christmas. A standard schooner contains more than 150 calories which is equivalent to roughly 20 minutes of jogging. Choose lower carb and lower calorie beer options they have available these days, Pure Blonde as one example. Avoid soft drinks and mixers as these contains a ton of calories and sugar.
3 → Nutrition – at Christmas lunch and/or dinner choose your options on your plate wisely. Opt for fresh seafood as opposed to fatty meats. Opt for salads and vegetables as opposed to roast potatoes. But also a handy tip is to avoid going to parties completely starving. Before you attend a party, have something small in your belly as this will help keep your portions under control when everyone else is feasting away at the big lunch/dinner.
4 → Dance the night away – enjoy those moments with friends and family. Get involved in the dancing. Stay away from the sidelines and become involved. If there’s a game outside going on, join in. These moments are precious in life. 30 minutes of dancing at a rather moderate intensity can burn upwards of 300 calories!
5 → Increase your water intake – alcohol will dehydrate the body. Whether your goal is fat loss or to gain strength, maintaining healthy hormone levels is crucial to your success. Excess alcohol consumption has been linked to lower testosterone levels and the increase of fat storage.
To a healthier Christmas,
The entire Live Well Health & Fitness Studio team