Daily Morning Routine

Daily Morning Routine - live well

My daily morning mobility routine can enhance your performance.

We all tend to perform our daily task without thinking movements play a major role.
A busy lifestyle and eating a high process and ultra process can lead to inflammatory joint pain. I noticed when I eliminate sugar, pasta, bread and seed oil and replace with fresh whole food. The only pain I have now is muscle pain after my workout and less stiffness each morning when I wake up. I just turned 52yrs 3months ago and I feel on top of the world.

To be honest I move better now than 15yrs ago because I implemented my daily morning mobility routine.
As a Pilates practitioner I also used the Pilates method for daily mobility routine as well.
My weekly challenge is sitting in a squatting position for 5 min, and now I have increased my time to 7 min. I noticed many things happen in that 5-7 min, my ankles mobility was improving and there was less knee pain when i performed a deep squat.
When it comes to shoulder mobility I still struggle on a daily basis, however my range has improved dramatically in the last 10yrs because I don’t miss a day with my routine.

I love to hang out on any bar for 1-2 min, grip strength is also very important as we age.
If there is no bar around you, you can use an exercise band.

My top 5 mobility exercises

  • Hip 90/90 rotation
  • Elevated pigeon stretch
  • World greatest stretch
  • Thoracic extension on foam roller
  • Mini massage ball roll

To get a demonstration on each daily morning mobility routine or movement email info@livewellfitness.com.au

Coach Terry