
How to increase your step count and make it a daily habit 

We all know the benefits of frequently moving throughout the day. Every day, we see hundreds of people walking, we as humans are built and designed to walk, it’s one of our best features as we can go on and on for long periods of time compared to most other species in the world.  It’s […]

Strength Training and Longevity: Why It Matters

Strength training is often associated with bodybuilding and aesthetics, but its benefits go far beyond just looking good. Regular strength training has been shown to have a positive impact on overall health and longevity. Here’s why it’s important to maintain a healthy and active life as you age. In conclusion Strength training is an important […]

Resistance Training vs Steady State Cardio

How do we rate resistance training vs steady cardio training?  My personal experience with resistance training has been an amazing journey. When I first started I began noticing my body composition was changing within the first six months. I was an inexperienced lifter back in the day, and I admire all those fitness models in […]

The Best Exercises for Warming Up

When working out, it is important to tailor your warmup to whatever exercises you will be doing. Warming up is key because it increases blood movement to your muscles which brings oxygen and nutrients to them to help with exercise and movement. As well, warming up properly for exercise will help stretch your muscles and […]

Daily Morning Routine

My daily morning mobility routine can enhance your performance. We all tend to perform our daily task without thinking movements play a major role.A busy lifestyle and eating a high process and ultra process can lead to inflammatory joint pain. I noticed when I eliminate sugar, pasta, bread and seed oil and replace with fresh […]

Running Low on Exercise Motivation

Running Low on Exercise Motivation? It’s not everyday that you have the motivation to get up and exercise, even the most avid ones have bad days. Here are 10 ways to keep you loving exercise in the long run:  1. Keep yourself open to being a student  When you work out there is always an […]

4 Basic Actions to Kick-Start Your Nutrition Journey

Wanting to start your nutrition journey can be daunting at times and even unrealistic. Fortunately it does not have to be this way. These 4 basic actions you’re about to read can be implemented by anyone, anywhere, and anytime. It doesn’t have to be all four in one day; it can even be 1 action […]

Life in Lockdown

In March 2020 Australia went into lockdown, businesses were shut down, ours included and we had to adapt, so we took our members online or outdoors. It seems so long ago now, and not only did we survive it, but we thrived and came out stronger. Fast forward to July 2021 and we are back […]

Keeping The Weight Off!

Weight loss is one thing but keeping it off is just as difficult. It is common for weight gain to occur after weight loss. Stick to these important points to help keep your weight in check.  Schedule your workouts.  “Make time” rather than “find time.” If your workouts lean more to “finding time”, then this […]

How to Build Your Best Body Ever!

Sculpt and tone your physique by adding weights to your training.  Not only is resistance training good for your bone health but also 80% of your metabolic rate is determined by how much lean muscle you have. This means the more muscle you have, the more energy your body will burn whether you are working […]

Exercises That Are Good for Posture

Whether we are standing, sitting or lying down, gravity exerts a force on our joints, ligaments and muscles and good posture simply refers to the body’s alignment and positioning to help us look better, but also ensuring we move more economically so no one structure is overstressed.  In our modern day lives, posture can be […]

Getting Over the Diet Mentally

One of the biggest hurdles I’ve had to face as a health and fitness coach is getting clients over the ‘diet’ mentality and diet behaviour. We are decades deep into the diet culture and it’s a massive challenge to rewire that.   It’s not my job to put you on a diet. Because it’s not a […]