A few months ago a few friends and I put together a basketball team. During the season in a game when we feel the opposition is starting to get the upper hand and build momentum we call a time out. This allows us to re-group and assess how we can get back in the game etc. This brought my attention to a real life situation.
How often as individuals do we give ourselves a TIME OUT. I am not talking about the annual holiday or Christmas/New Year break. Taking a TIME OUT within the average working week. Spending some ‘you’ time.
Many of us deal with challenges at work, deadlines and bills, this causes people to work harder and longer to get through these hurdles. It seems people tend to address these problems by digging themselves deeper into the problem. Personally I love lacing up the joggers and pounding the cement with an hour plus run or catching up on my comics.
If you’re one of these people who don’t think they need a TIME OUT, even one of most talented and influential athletes this world has ever seen took TIME OUTS.
“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.”
Michael Jordan
Matthew Mazzaferro
Live Well Health & Fitness Studio