After the life-changing success of many Spartan Race events over the years, the studio’s members will be coming together once again over the next few weeks to prepare for the next challenge – Spartan on the 2nd of April.
Spartan Race has earned a reputation for one of the toughest and most physical obstacle courses in the world. Mud, sweat and tears.
Live Well offers a comprehensive and specific 8 week preparation program to get our members and new friends into the adequate conditioning required for such a grueling obstacle race. Besides all the running, climbing, throwing, lifting, pulling, pushing, there’s some awesome side benefits that come along with it. Members have reported drastic weight loss results, smaller waists, ripped abs, greater energy and focus, and most of all look and feel amazing after. The prep begins on the 8th of Feb.
The inclusion of Matt’s gym in Bankstown (www.crossfit2200.com.au) has also opened up new ways to prepare for such a specific event. Most notably the frustrating (for some) vertical rope climb. All aspects of movement have been covered in the 8 week program, which also includes a team bonding dinner at the Parea greek restaurant in Kogarah.
The majority of the training will be held at Live Well, with each week ending with a fun (yet tough) Spartan group class which goes for an hour.
For more information and to register your interest, don’t hesistate to call 9587 4100 or email info@livewellfitness.com.au
Our friendly staff will happily take your call and assist you further.
– Simon Jeremy