St George local James Clark faced an enormous challenge as he was hospitalised in Intensive Care Unit for 3 weeks. “I entered the emergency department because I was so unwell and the next thing I remember is waking up in Intensive Care 3 weeks later, which still today remains blank.”
James spent 6 months in hospital and at one point was unable to walk because part of the brain that controls balance was affected by lack of oxygen.
Today through support and endless encouragement from work colleagues, including doctor’s, allied health workers, family, friends and of course the Live Well Health and Fitness Trainers he walks 10km twice a week.
The long journey from the Intensive Care Unit to losing 97kgs has not been easy. But James learnt “The human body is an amazing vessel that has the ability to repair itself after being put through all the unhealthy activities”.
James is now at his desired weight and no longer taking medication for hypertension. “My candidacy for those unhealthy diseases is greatly reduced”. This is due to James exercising for 30 minutes daily, eating healthy meals, drinking plenty of water and keeping a clear and alert mind.
Matthew, owner of Live Well Health and Fitness Studio in Kogarah, says, “When James first walked through the studio doors, he was unable to even get on the ground, as he physically couldn’t get back up. After 12 weeks of discipline and belief I am very happy to say that he is now able to lie on the ground and get back up, all by himself! Seeing this as his trainer was a very rewarding moment and reminds me why I do what I do.”
Obesity has been described as an epidemic in Australia. Becoming the single biggest threat to public health in the country. James’ journey has already inspired many of his friends, family and work colleagues to living a healthier and more active life. We hope his journey can reach further out into the local community and help save many other lives.
For more information about James’ remarkable journey please, contact Matthew on 9587 4100
Matthew Mazzaferro
Live Well Health & Fitness Studio