A large portion of people enjoy a frothy every now and then. We’re going to keep this post short n’ sweet.
But did you know?
One schooner is beer averages roughly 150-200 calories. That’s the equivalent to a brisk walk and/or light jog for 20 minutes on the treadmill.
Do you stop at one beer or go for another? Do you go for rounds with your mates?
You can easily rack up a beer total of over 1000 calories in one outing if you’re not wary of it. This is almost half of the daily recommended intake of food.
So what would you rather do? Over 90 minutes of cardio, or just stop your beers at one or two?
Excessive alcohol consumption has also been linked with lowering testosterone levels in ageing men. Something I think we can all agree is not optimal, as our testosterone lowers naturally regardless.
That’s your public service announcement for today! Carry on…
– Simon Jeremy (@simonjeremyfitness)