Reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease—and extend your lifespan—simply by changing your outlook on life?

What if you could significantly reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease—and extend your lifespan—simply by changing your outlook on life?

Well, that’s exactly what a Harvard Medical study suggests. 

The researchers found that those with a positive outlook enjoyed a 30 percent reduction in cardiovascular events and an 38 percent reduction in death, compared to those with a pessimistic outlook. 

These are not small effects.

The researchers speculated that people who were more optimistic were more likely to engage in health-promoting behaviours, like eating well and exercising. 

Research in neuroscience over the last 30 years has conclusively shown that:

  1. The brain is the control centre for health.
  2. Our thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and experiences change the structure and function of our brain.

This means that what we think, how we feel, and how we respond to life has a direct and measurable impact on our physiology—and thus on our health and our lifespan. 

We’re not talking about New Age, woo-woo philosophy here. 

This is based on peer-reviewed, scientific studies that have been published in some of the most reputable journals in the fields of neuroscience (like above). 

And I think it’s one of the most revolutionary and empowering discoveries in medicine in the last hundred years.

So, how do you put these discoveries into practice?

“Keeping a gratitude journal” 

Hang around positive people 

Move more 

Eating non inflammatory foods


Limit your news intake

To name a few… 

Or you can dive deeper into the process and get support from a life coach, health coach or mindfulness coach. 

Below is a link to a mindfulness coach I strongly recommend – Adrian Spear

You can change your brain—and in doing so, improve your health and extend your lifespan. 

“Always look on the bright side of life”,

Matt Mazzaferro 
