Welcome to 2021.
A new year, full of new opportunities.
What does 2021 have in store for you?
What are your goals? Your resolutions? Your aspirations?
Is this the year you make your health a priority?
Whatever 2021 has in store for you I wish you all best! Good luck!
Granted no matter what your goal or resolution there will be setbacks and obstacles along the way, but as Dori would say “just keep swimming.” Remember the tough times won’t last, but tough people will. Keep pushing forward and you will come out stronger the other side.
Some of you may already have started or already be on your health and fitness journey, for other maybe you haven’t started yet; to those of you who are in the later group I say this….
You can do it! It might seem hard but you will thank yourself for it. There are people who were in the exact same boat as you 1 month, 1 year, or even 5 years ago who questioned whether they could start, who took that plunge and who have never looked back. People who have changed their life for the better by prioritising themselves and their health and wellbeing.
As the Zig Ziglar saying goes “you don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”
Start off by setting yourself small, achievable goals and use these as the building blocks to a get into a routine and start creating good habits. Routine and good habits will add up to equal a higher quality lifestyle and a healthier, happier you.
Then think about where you could be in 12 months time and how much better you will feel.
You will definitely be thankful you started!
For those of you who are already on your fitness journey my advice to you is this….
Keep striving!
Not for perfection, but to simply be the best version of yourself. Always remember “the only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.”
So keep setting new goals, keep aiming to improve and keep challenging yourself.
When setting new goals there are 3 important things I want you to consider:
- What is your goal?
- What is the timeline for your goal?
- What steps are you going to take to achieve this goal?
If you ask yourself these three important questions you will give yourself a higher chance of success.
- Be specific with your goal, you should have a clear idea of what your goal is and what the result looks like.
- Set a timeline, this will help keep you accountable to yourself.
- Finally make sure you know what steps you are going to take to help yourself achieve your goal; a goal won’t just miraculously be achieved you have to take ownership and commit to making a change or putting in some hard work.
The last thing I want to mention before letting you get your 2021 rolling is remember to use your support crew. Surround yourself with supportive and helpful people; people you can lean on when the going gets tough. Having a strong community around you can help motivate you and drive you to heights you never thought possible. They do say “teamwork makes the dream work”.
So once again good luck and all the best for 2021. Believe in yourself. Work hard. And may your 2021 be a year full of highlights and success!
Coach Niall