My journey with Live Well started almost 2 years ago to the day. To say I was on to a winner would be something of an overstatement. I enjoyed the classes but my head was in a terrible place plus ongoing health issues… it was a recipe for disaster really. I quit after the 6 Week Challenge and left with my terrible attitude in tow. Interestingly enough, I’d never ‘unsubscribed’ from the emails Live Well send out. I continued to live vicariously through other people’s successes and all the good things Live Well were providing (what a stalker!). Roll on 14 months and roll off 14kgs later, to May 2018!
I had conquered the battle of the bulge by myself (yay me!) but to quote the words of Queen Bey herself ‘I don’t think you’re ready for this jelly’. Houston, we had a very wobbly problem! Fate, devine intervention or just really good timing saw another email from Live Well drop into my inbox. I cautiously put out a feeler and was greeted by a very enthusiastic Simon on the phone, with words to the effect of ‘wow, how are you, we haven’t heard from you for ages!’ That was enough to reel me back in, so thank you Simon. The whole crew at Live Well are so great and supportive but my go-to guy is Matt.
Matt has been instrumental in helping me get to where I am today. I’m not losing anymore weight (which I’m totally fine with) but I am toned and stronger than I’ve ever been and my shape has completely changed (which I am very happy about!). I still have a way to go, still have the ongoing health issues and my body lets me down on the regular, but Matt consistently touches base when I can’t make it in, tweaks our PT sessions so I can still come in and has customised mobility programs for me so I stretch properly before heavier workouts. Everyone’s journeys are different and it’s so easy to compare but if you’re head is in the right space and you’ve got a great support crew like I do, anything is possible. Live Well is part of my support crew and I would highly recommend them to anyone.