A change of career direction in 2011 into hospital management resulted in me driving door to door to work each day instead of walking to public transport and sitting behind a desk 8 hours a day for the first time in years. Throw in the slower metabolism gifted to us as we reach the magic 50 and my weight ballooned towards 110kg.
I was diagnosed insulin resistant (“pre-diabetes”) with elevated blood sugars. My wife, Tina, introduced me to Matt, Simon and the Live Well team that year. I commenced Personal Training a minimum of 2 times per week and lost 15kg over a nine month period. I had to halve my blood pressure medication as a result and no longer display elevated blood sugar levels. I had to buy an entire new wardrobe of suits and shirts to fit the new, smaller version of me.
I’ve maintained the PT sessions and the weight loss, sometimes attending extra sessions with my wife or daughters. Matt’s even conducted some joint family sessions with my wife and all three offspring. Great fun for the whole family, but if only Tina wasn’t so competitive…. Then comes Tuesday night Running Class. With Matt’s encouragement, I hesitantly joined in 2012 and ran my first Sutherland2Surf and City2Surf. In 2013, I added the Sydney Half Marathon and in 2014 I completed the Canberra Half Marathon and the Sydney Half Marathon. I’m still on the slow side but my pace is continuing to improve as Nicola imparts the secrets of proper running.
This year I took 30 minutes off my Sydney Half Marathon time and have suffered no injuries. Above and beyond maintaining fitness levels and a healthier weight, it is the psychological uplift that motivates me to return to the Live Well gym day after day, week after week. My mood is lifted, I’m calm and focused to tackle the day ahead. I have the satisfaction of having got up early and exercised hard before coming to work. Finally, for a reserved person who has avoided team activities and events for most of my life, I’m surprised and delighted by how much I value and enjoy the regular social interaction with other gym members and Running Class attendees.
Thanks, Matt, you are a gentleman. Keep up the good work! – Johno